About Me

Hi there!

My name is Sharon and I’m from the North West of England where I live with my Husband and two children. I love growing my own food, especially vegetables (now!). A few years ago I couldn’t have been less interested in gardening – I killed every plant I’d ever tried to grow and gave up.

‘Gardening is not for me!’

Was something I said when anyone asked me about it.

When my children were little, I tried to eat a more healthy diet to set a good example to them, but I’d never been big on vegetables so it was difficult. I found them quite tasteless and mushy (due to always overcooking them!)

When I was looking at recipes to make our family meals more appetising, I learned that home grown vegetables are not only healthier for you, but they taste so much better too.

Even though I had no idea what I was doing, I decided (with the help of some Youtube videos) to give it a go and get the kids involved in growing some vegetables in pots in our tiny back yard.

I was as shocked as the children were when we actually succeeded and grew the tastiest vegetables we’d ever eaten ( I will tell you all about that in a separate blog post).

A year later, I was offered an abandoned piece of land and transformed it into a productive allotment plot.

 It was a lot of hard work but it proved to me that it was all worth the effort and that growing my own food was something I wanted to do year after year.

I started a Youtube channel to log my progress for myself but people would ask me questions about how to do something and I wanted to help them and that’s when I decided to write this blog to document my own progress and hopefully help others in the process.

I had been using a notebook to log all of my gardening information, but then I decided to buy a garden planner so I looked on Amazon. I wanted a planner with everything I needed in one place but after searching, none of them were right for me.

I decided to design my own allotment planner with every page that I wanted inside, but it didn’t stop there.

I really enjoyed the process, knowing I was creating something that would help other garden enthusiasts so I went on to design more planners and journals all designed to keep all of your information in one place so you don’t lose any of it (which I did a lot!).

I fell in love with growing veg, fruit and herbs and I want to shout from the rooftops that gardening is for me afterall!

There is another benefit to growing vegetables apart from having something edible literally at your fingertips.

Gardening has been proven to improve mental health and it certainly does that for me. This is another reason why I think everyone should have their own space to grow something, even if it’s just a few herbs on a balcony or windowsill.

Hopefully, through this blog I can help some of you do that (if you’re not already, that is!).

Happy growing

Sharon xx

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